“I love how I can click on a spot in my transcript, play it back, and create a snippet for my playlist. It’s great to share snippets of what a customer is saying with team members who were not at the meeting.”
— Beth C.
“I can't be in all my project meetings to ask questions or respond to issues and risks. Many times, top issues and risks aren't covered. Versational summarizes the top issues, risks, and actions from every meeting. I get the context I need to follow up quickly and focus on those projects where it matters”
— Vineeta Maitra, Senior PM
"Versational is a force multiplier - we're having to do more with less these days. It's not possible to hire enough qualified people to get the analysis and amount of work done to support our sales team."
— Fabien S, Group Digital Product Head
"One of my biggest challenges is finding time to schedule stakeholders for decisions and issues. With Versational, scheduling conflicts don't get in the way of progress. I can share meetings and send highlights to sponsors. I get quick turnarounds and comments. My stakeholders also appreciate the context and respond better. Turnaround on issues has never been faster."
— Stephanie D. PM
“In my role, it's critical that I provide narratives that differentiate our offering. I really like how quickly Versational can search recordings of sales and customers meetings, find what I need, and extract quotes for testimonials and white papers.”
— Tinne V, Marketing Manager
“I can’t tell you how many times a customer conversation opened my eyes to a problem or roadmap opportunity that I was unaware of. Versational recognizes common themes in how our customers use our product. It’s great in helping us validate new ideas. We use the AI tracking of sentiment and reactions for certain topics in our sales demos and customer training sessions.
— Paul W. Senior Product Lead